Which of the following is written in active voice?

A. After a long time, Greg finally returned home.
B. The bus was driven by Sally.
C. The test was failed by most of the class.
D. The rules were broken.

well, passive voice verbs are <part of to be> <past participle>

so, what do you think?


To determine which of the options is written in active voice, we should first understand the difference between active voice and passive voice.

Active voice is when the subject of the sentence performs the action, while passive voice is when the subject receives the action. In active voice, the sentence structure is typically "Subject + Verb + Object."

Let's examine each option to determine whether it is written in active or passive voice:

A. "After a long time, Greg finally returned home."
This option is written in active voice because "Greg" is the subject performing the action of "returning home."

B. "The bus was driven by Sally."
This option is written in passive voice because "the bus" is the subject receiving the action of "being driven."

C. "The test was failed by most of the class."
This option is written in passive voice because "the test" is the subject receiving the action of "being failed."

D. "The rules were broken."
This option is written in passive voice because "the rules" are the subject receiving the action of "being broken."

Based on our analysis, option A is written in active voice, making it the correct answer to the question.