You are the principal speaker in a school debate on the motion ;Boys and girls should be assigned equal work at home.

Write entry for the motion

No one will write your assignment for you, but someone may be able to check it if you post what you write.

@Anon is indeed very truthful

and as long as we're talking about English, it's "thou shalt"


Against the motion

Title: Promoting Equality at Home: Assigning Equal Work to Boys and Girls

Opening Statement:
Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed judges, and fellow students, it is an honor to stand before you today as the principal speaker endorsing the motion that boys and girls should be assigned equal work at home. In an era striving for gender equality in all spheres of life, it is imperative that we address this issue at its roots within our own homes. Equal distribution of household chores not only reflects fairness, but also cultivates a sense of responsibility, instills essential life skills, and promotes mutual respect within families.

Point 1: Establishing Fairness
To begin, assigning equal work to both boys and girls at home ensures fairness. In a society where gender roles are evolving, it is essential to break free from traditional stereotypes. By sharing domestic responsibilities, we can create an environment that upholds the principles of equality and provides opportunities for all family members to contribute and excel.

To address potential arguments against this motion, it is important to note that this does not imply that boys and girls should be assigned identical tasks; rather, they should share a fair burden that considers age, ability, and personal preferences. Emphasizing fairness allows us to demolish gender biases and cultivate a spirit of cooperation within our families.

Point 2: Developing Essential Life Skills
Assigning equal work at home contributes significantly to the development of essential life skills for both boys and girls. Household tasks such as cooking, cleaning, budgeting, and organizing teach valuable lessons that will benefit individuals throughout their lives. These proficiencies transcend gender lines, enabling all children to gain competence in a variety of practical areas.

Moreover, when both boys and girls are involved in domestic chores, they acquire a broader perspective and understanding of the diverse responsibilities linked to maintaining a home. This broader perspective fosters empathy and appreciation for the efforts of others, which will serve them well in their future relationships, both personal and professional.

Point 3: Nurturing Mutual Respect
By assigning equal work to boys and girls, we foster an environment of mutual respect within families. When both genders contribute equally, they develop a greater appreciation for the skill sets and efforts of one another. This appreciation promotes empathy and understanding, reducing the potential for gender-based divisions and conflicts within the household.

Moreover, sharing responsibilities at home encourages communication and collaboration, further strengthening family bonds. It also sends a powerful message to children, shaping their beliefs about gender roles and promoting a society that values equality, regardless of gender.

In conclusion, endorsing the motion of assigning equal work to boys and girls at home is not only a step towards achieving gender equality but also a means to empower children with valuable life skills and a sense of fairness. By shedding traditional stereotypes and fostering a sense of cooperation, we equip the next generation with the tools they need to build equitable relationships, both inside and outside the home.

Let us embrace this progressive approach by assigning equal work to all children, ensuring that they grow up in an environment where gender equality is practiced, and celebrates the full potential of all individuals, regardless of their gender.

Thank you.