The table below gives the literacy rate (in percent) of 30 cities surveyed. What is the lower limit of the median class, the median of the data, and the mode of the data?

Literacy rate across 30 cities
Literacy rate in % Number of cities
80-89 5
70-79 7
760-69 9
50-59 6
40-49 3

Is this correct po?

Use your table on the climate data for four cities. Use your data to answer the questions below.

Question 1

Why did you record the climate data in a table?

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Question 2

Which city has the warmest average temperature? Why would this data be important for farmers? What other climate data would be important?

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Question 3

Compare precipitation for the four cities. In which city would water supply be most likely to limit population? Why?

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Question 1

Why did you record the climate data in a table?

Answer: The climate data was recorded in a table to organize and present the information in a clear and easy-to-read format. A table allows for easy comparison between the different cities and their respective climate data.

To find the lower limit of the median class, we need to determine which class contains the median value.

First, let's calculate the total number of cities surveyed:

Total number of cities = 5 + 7 + 9 + 6 + 3 = 30

To find the median class, we need to find the cumulative frequency that is closest to half of the total number of cities (30/2 = 15).

The cumulative frequency is the sum of the frequencies of each class.

Starting from the first class, we calculate the cumulative frequency:

Cumulative frequency for 80-89 = 5
Cumulative frequency for 70-79 = 5 + 7 = 12
Cumulative frequency for 60-69 = 12 + 9 = 21

The median class is the class with a cumulative frequency greater than or equal to 15 but less than 21.

Therefore, the median class is 70-79.

The lower limit of the median class is 70.

To find the median of the data, we need to use the formula:

Median = Lower limit of the median class + [(Total number of cities / 2) - Cumulative frequency before the median class] * Class width

In this case, the class width is the range of each class (10).

Lower limit of the median class = 70
Total number of cities = 30
Cumulative frequency before the median class = 12

Median = 70 + [(30 / 2) - 12] * 10 = 70 + (15 - 12) * 10 = 70 + 3 * 10 = 70 + 30 = 100

Therefore, the median of the data is 100.

To find the mode of the data, we need to identify the class with the highest frequency.

In this case, the class with the highest frequency is 60-69 with a frequency of 9.

Therefore, the mode of the data is 60-69.

In summary:
- Lower limit of the median class: 70
- Median: 100
- Mode: 60-69

And my answers are

Lower limit of the median class: 59.5
The median of the data: 62.8 (Rounded off the nearest tenths)
The mode of the data: 63.5
Though, Im not too sure 'bout it