Ponnie starts her journey at longitude 0° at 12noon and she moving toward eastward of longitude 10°. When will she arrive at her destination

To determine when Ponnie will arrive at her destination, we need to calculate the time difference between the starting point (longitude 0°) and the destination (longitude 10°).

Since Ponnie is moving eastward, the time difference will be positive.

The time difference between two longitudes can be calculated using the formula:

Time difference (in hours) = (Longitude difference / 15) * 1 hour

In this case, the longitude difference is 10° - 0° = 10°.

Let's calculate the time difference:

Time difference = (10° / 15) * 1 hour
= (2/3) * 1 hour
= 2/3 hour

So, Ponnie will take 2/3 hour to travel from longitude 0° to longitude 10°.

To determine the arrival time, we need to add the time difference to the starting time of 12 noon.

12 noon + 2/3 hour = 12 noon + (2/3 * 60 minutes)

Let's calculate the arrival time:

2/3 * 60 minutes = 40 minutes

So, Ponnie will arrive at her destination 40 minutes after 12 noon, which is 12:40 PM.