Jonathan had a total of 588 pens and erasers. After selling 2/5 of the pens and 3/8 of the erasers, he had equal number of pens and erasers left. What was the total number of erasers left?

Total number of pens and erasers = 588

Let the number of pens be x
then number of erasers are : (588 - x)
Selling 2/5x * pens and 3/8x (588 - x)
(1 - 2/5)x = (1 - 3/8) (588 - x)
3/5x = 5/8 (588 - x)
3x/5 = (5 * 588)/8 - 5x/8
3x/5 + 5x/8 = 2940/8

(8 * 3x + 5 * 5x)/5 = 2940
(24x + 25x)/5 = 2940
49x = 2940 * 5
x = 60 * 5
x = 300
Total number of eraser
left = 5/8 (588 - x) = 5/8 (588 - 300) = 180