Which of the following defines propaganda?

A: an activity or cause that currently is popular and attracts more and more followers

B: the use of products because a celebrity or well-known individual uses them

C: a technique used in media to influence people's opinions, attitudes, and behavior

D: an advertisement with very positive language that evoke positive emotions


1) C. a technique used in media to influence people's opinions, attitudes, and behavior

2) C. bandwagon

3) B. tries to slant your opinion of something

4) D. stereotyping.

You're welcome !! This is for Propaganda and Bias Quick Check ,, 7th B
hope this helped <3

If you have 5 questions the 5 answer is:

a personal approach to speaking to the audience

Boos 100% right

1. a technique used in media to influence people's opinions, attitudes, and behavior

2. bandwagon

3. tries to slant your opinion of something

4. stereotyping.
Have an amazing day!

@boo is correct all the way through

@boo is correct thank you!

boo and hi are correct

It seems that the questions and answers were split up between multiple comments. Here are all the questions and answers together:

1. What is propaganda?

Answer: A technique used in media to influence people's opinions, attitudes, and behavior.

2. What technique is being used when an advertisement claims "everyone is using this product"?

Answer: Bandwagon.

3. What is bias?

Answer: Tries to slant your opinion of something.

4. What is a stereotype?

Answer: Oversimplified generalization about a group of people.

5. What is a direct address?

Answer: A personal approach to speaking to the audience.

thx broskis

@boo is correct 100%