Dora is keeping track of the number of books she has read during the current school year. She has already read 4 books.

Which equation shows the total number of books, y, Dora will have read by the end of the school year?

i think it might be c because 365 could represent x and then multiply that by four

here are the choices:

a) y = 4x, where x represents the number of books Dora has already read

b) y = x + 4, where x represents the number of books Dora has already read

c) y = 4x, where x represents the number of books Dora reads between now and the end of the year

d) y = x + 4, where x represents the number of books Dora reads between now and the end of the year



im not really sure...

oop nevermind it d just did the quiz

d is the answer

mk bye

To find the equation that shows the total number of books Dora will have read by the end of the school year, we need to consider the number of books she has already read (4 books) and the progress she will make over time.

Let's assume that the current school year has a duration of "x" time units (e.g., weeks, months, or days). We can set up the equation as follows:

y = 4 + x

In this equation:
- "y" represents the total number of books Dora will have read by the end of the school year.
- "4" represents the number of books Dora has already read.
- "x" represents the progress Dora will make in terms of reading books throughout the school year.

By adding the initial number of books Dora has already read (4) to her progress (x), we can calculate the total number of books (y) she will have read by the end of the school year.