draw flow chart pseudocode to ask a name age display name age


Here is a flowchart and pseudocode to ask for a name, age, and then display the name and age:

|----> Input Name
|----> Input Age
|----> Display Name and Age

Input "Enter your name: " as name
Input "Enter your age: " as age
Display "Name: " + name
Display "Age: " + age


1. Start: This is the starting point of the flowchart or pseudocode.

2. Input Name: This step asks the user to enter their name. The user's input will be stored in the variable "name".

3. Input Age: This step asks the user to enter their age. The user's input will be stored in the variable "age".

4. Display Name and Age: This step displays the user's name and age using the variables "name" and "age".

5. End: This is the end of the flowchart or pseudocode.

To implement this flowchart or pseudocode in a programming language, you would need to use the specific input and output functions of that language. For example, in Python, you could use the `input()` function to get user input and the `print()` function to display the name and age.

To draw a flowchart and write pseudocode to ask for a name and age, and display the name and age, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by drawing the flowchart box and labeling it as "Start".

2. Draw an input/output symbol labeled "Ask for Name" below the start box.

3. Draw a process symbol labeled "Store Name" below the "Ask for Name" symbol.

4. Draw an input/output symbol labeled "Ask for Age" below the "Store Name" symbol.

5. Draw a process symbol labeled "Store Age" below the "Ask for Age" symbol.

6. Draw an input/output symbol labeled "Display Name and Age" below the "Store Age" symbol.

7. Draw a line from the "Start" box to the "Ask for Name" symbol.

8. Draw a line from the "Ask for Name" symbol to the "Store Name" symbol.

9. Draw a line from the "Store Name" symbol to the "Ask for Age" symbol.

10. Draw a line from the "Ask for Age" symbol to the "Store Age" symbol.

11. Draw a line from the "Store Age" symbol to the "Display Name and Age" symbol.

12. Draw a line from the "Display Name and Age" symbol to the "End" box.

The flowchart, when completed, should look like this:

[Ask for Name]
[Store Name]
[Ask for Age]
[Store Age]
[Display Name and Age]

For the pseudocode, you can use a programming language like Python. Here's an example:

// Pseudocode
1. Ask for Name
2. Store the entered name in a variable called "name"
3. Ask for Age
4. Store the entered age in a variable called "age"
5. Display "Name: " followed by the value of "name"
6. Display "Age: " followed by the value of "age"

You can implement this pseudocode in a programming language of your choice to create the desired functionality.