why is english the language of opportunity and why teaches should bother teaching indigenous language

English is often considered the language of opportunity for several reasons. Firstly, English has become the lingua franca of the globalized world. It is estimated that over 1.5 billion people worldwide speak English to some extent. Consequently, proficiency in English can open up a plethora of opportunities for individuals in terms of higher education, employment, business, and travel, as it enables effective communication across borders and cultures.

Teaching indigenous languages is crucial for a variety of reasons. Firstly, it promotes cultural diversity and preserves the heritage of indigenous communities. Language plays a vital role in shaping identity, and by preserving indigenous languages, we ensure the continuity of unique cultural practices, beliefs, and knowledge systems. It also fosters a sense of pride and belonging within indigenous communities.

Additionally, teaching indigenous languages can contribute to the inclusivity and well-being of indigenous people. Language is deeply intertwined with one's sense of self-esteem and mental well-being. By offering education in indigenous languages, we empower indigenous individuals to navigate the world confidently, fostering self-identity and preserving their cultural heritage.

Moreover, teaching indigenous languages enhances intercultural understanding and promotes social justice. It helps non-indigenous individuals gain insights into different worldviews, histories, and perspectives. This knowledge can foster empathy, respect, and appreciation for diverse cultures, leading to more inclusive and equitable societies.

To determine why English is seen as the language of opportunity, we can look into several aspects:

1. Economic Influence: English-speaking countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada have significant economic power and global influence. Proficiency in English can provide individuals with access to job opportunities, multinational corporations, and international trade.

2. Academic Dominance: The majority of prestigious universities and academic institutions worldwide teach their courses in English. By being proficient in English, individuals can access high-quality education and research opportunities, which can contribute to personal growth and career advancement.

3. Cultural Dominance: English is often associated with popular culture, entertainment, and media. The dominance of English in music, movies, literature, and the internet contributes to its global influence. This makes English a preferred choice for individuals seeking exposure to a wide range of cultural content.

4. Global Communication: English has become the de facto language for international communication, particularly in business, diplomacy, and academia. It serves as a common medium through which individuals from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds can effectively communicate and collaborate.

5. Technological Advancements: English is the dominant language for technological innovation, including programming languages, scientific research publications, and software development. Proficiency in English can facilitate access to cutting-edge technology and information in various fields.

In conclusion, English has emerged as the language of opportunity due to its global prevalence, economic influence, academic dominance, cultural dominance, and importance in global communication. While teaching indigenous languages is essential for cultural preservation, identity, and social equity, the prominence of English in various domains makes it crucial for individuals seeking broader opportunities in the interconnected world.