(78,200,000) - (1.94) * (10**7)

7.82 * 10**7 - 1.94 * 10*87 = (7.82-1.94)*10**7 = _____ * 10**7

good to see that FORTRAN is still alive ...

use 10^7 instead of 10**7

(78,200,000) - (1.94) * (10**7)
= (78,200,000) - (19,400,000.0)
= 58,800,000
= 5.88 * 10^7

Yup, 1962 , University of Waterloo, Canada, the pioneer days of

Computer Science
A vicious prank was to sneak a card from somebody's program and
punch a C in column 1

I once got my card deck back from the operator with an apology for dropping it.

That day I learned to use the IBM card deck sequencer.

To calculate the expression (78,200,000) - (1.94) * (10**7), follow these steps:

Step 1: Perform the multiplication (1.94) * (10**7)
- To multiply a number by 10 raised to a power, you need to move the decimal point to the right by the power of 10.
- In this case, (10**7) means multiplying by 10 raised to the power of 7, which is 10,000,000.
- So, (1.94) * (10**7) = 1.94 * 10,000,000 = 19,400,000

Step 2: Subtract the result from Step 1 from the number 78,200,000
- 78,200,000 - 19,400,000 = 58,800,000

Therefore, the result of the expression (78,200,000) - (1.94) * (10**7) is 58,800,000.