What are the different types of solutions for a system of linear equations?

The different types of solutions for a system of linear equations can be classified into three categories: consistent, inconsistent, and dependent.

To determine the type of solution, you need to solve the system of linear equations. There are various methods to solve a system of linear equations, such as substitution, elimination, and matrix methods.

1. Consistent Solutions: A system of linear equations is consistent if it has at least one solution. In this case, the equations have intersecting lines or overlapping planes in higher dimensions. You can find the solution either by solving the system algebraically or graphically. Algebraically, if you end up with a set of values for the variables that satisfy all the equations simultaneously, then the system is consistent. Graphically, if the lines representing the equations intersect at a single point (in two dimensions) or the planes intersect at a line (in three dimensions), then the system is consistent.

2. Inconsistent Solutions: A system of linear equations is inconsistent if it has no solution. In this case, the equations represent parallel lines or non-intersecting planes in higher dimensions. You can determine the inconsistency algebraically by obtaining a contradiction, such as 0 = 1 or another absurd statement, during the process of solving the system. Graphically, the lines representing the equations are parallel (in two dimensions) or the planes are parallel (in three dimensions), indicating no common intersection point.

3. Dependent Solutions: A system of linear equations is dependent if it has infinite solutions. In this case, the equations represent coinciding lines or overlapping planes in higher dimensions. You can identify dependence algebraically by obtaining an identity, such as 0 = 0, during the process of solving the system. Graphically, the lines representing the equations coincide (in two dimensions) or the planes overlap (in three dimensions), indicating infinite number of common intersection points.

To determine the type of solution for a given system, you can start by choosing a suitable method (substitution, elimination, or matrix) based on the complexity and number of equations. Solving the system step by step will reveal the type of solution and the corresponding values for the variables.