Tom spent $1440 of his salary on food, gave 40% of the remaining money to his parents and saved the rest. He saved 15% of his salary every month.

(a) What percentage of his salary did he give to his parents?
(b) What was Tom's monthly salary?

To find the answers, we need to follow the given information step by step.

(a) What percentage of his salary did he give to his parents?
1. Tom spent $1440 of his salary on food.
2. He gave 40% of the remaining money to his parents.
Remaining money = Salary - Money spent on food = Salary - $1440
Money given to parents = 40% of remaining money = 0.40 * (Salary - $1440)

Therefore, Tom gave (0.40 * (Salary - $1440)) / Salary * 100% to his parents.

(b) What was Tom's monthly salary?
1. Tom saved the rest of the money.
2. He saved 15% of his salary every month.
Saving = 15% of Salary = 0.15 * Salary

Therefore, the equation becomes: Salary - $1440 - (0.40 * (Salary - $1440)) = 0.15 * Salary

We will solve for Salary using the equation.

Let's calculate the answers step by step.

(a) To find the percentage of his salary given to his parents, substitute the given values:
Percentage given to parents = (0.40 * (Salary - $1440)) / Salary * 100%

(b) To find Tom's monthly salary, solve the equation:
Salary - $1440 - (0.40 * (Salary - $1440)) = 0.15 * Salary

To find the answers to these questions, we'll follow a step-by-step approach:

Step 1: Calculate the amount of money Tom had left after spending on food.
Tom spent $1440 on food, which means the remaining money is his total salary minus $1440.

Step 2: Calculate the percentage of Tom's salary that he gave to his parents.
To calculate this, we need to find out how much money was left after spending on food, and then find 40% of that amount.

Step 3: Calculate the amount of money Tom saved.
To calculate this, we need to know what was left after giving money to his parents, and then find 15% of that amount.

Step 4: Calculate Tom's monthly salary.
To calculate this, we'll reverse the savings calculation and divide the amount saved by 15%.

Let's go through these steps one by one:

Step 1: Money left after spending on food = Total salary - $1440

Step 2: Percentage given to parents = (Money left after spending on food) x 40%.

Step 3: Amount saved = (Money left after giving to parents) x 15%.

Step 4: Monthly salary = Amount saved / 15%.

Using these calculations, let's find the answers to the given questions.

(a) What percentage of his salary did he give to his parents?
To find this, we'll calculate the money left after spending on food and then calculate 40% of that amount:
Money left after spending on food = Total salary - $1440
Percentage given to parents = (Money left after spending on food) x 40%

(b) What was Tom's monthly salary?
To find this, we'll calculate the amount saved and then divide it by 15%:
Amount saved = (Money left after giving to parents) x 15%
Monthly salary = Amount saved / 15%

Now, if you provide the total amount of Tom's salary, I can help you calculate the answers to these questions.

Tom's salary ---- x

amount left after buying food = x - 1440
amount left after giving 40% to parents = .6(x - 1440)

Did he give 40% of the "remaining money" to his parents
before he put away his 15% for saving or after?