harry works as a landscape gardener and is paid $18.25 per hour for a standard 38 hour on weekdays. he gets time and a half on evenings and Saturdays and double time on Sundays

weekday hours: 38 hours
evening/Saturday: 9.5 hours
Sunday: 5.5 hours
calculate harry's total wage for the week

regular =38*18.25 = 693.50

evening/Saturday = 9.5*1.5*18.25 = 260.06
Sundays = 5.5*2*18.25 = 200.75
total = 1154.31

is it 967.25 since

38 + 9.5 + 5.5 = 53
53 x 18.25= 967.25

To calculate Harry's total wage for the week, we need to calculate his earnings for each day and add them together.

1. Calculate the earnings for weekdays:
Harry works 38 hours on weekdays and is paid $18.25 per hour. So, the total earnings for weekdays can be calculated as:
Weekday earnings = 38 hours * $18.25/hour

2. Calculate the earnings for evenings/Saturdays:
Harry works 9.5 hours on evenings/Saturdays and gets time and a half. This means he will be paid 1.5 times his regular rate. So, the total earnings for evenings and Saturdays can be calculated as:
Evening/Saturday earnings = 9.5 hours * ($18.25/hour * 1.5)

3. Calculate the earnings for Sundays:
Harry works 5.5 hours on Sundays and gets double time. This means he will be paid 2 times his regular rate. So, the total earnings for Sundays can be calculated as:
Sunday earnings = 5.5 hours * ($18.25/hour * 2)

4. Add up all the earnings:
Total wage for the week = weekday earnings + evening/Saturday earnings + Sunday earnings

Now, let's calculate each component:

Weekday earnings = 38 hours * $18.25/hour
Weekday earnings = $693.50

Evening/Saturday earnings = 9.5 hours * ($18.25/hour * 1.5)
Evening/Saturday earnings = $260.06

Sunday earnings = 5.5 hours * ($18.25/hour * 2)
Sunday earnings = $200.75

Finally, let's calculate the total wage for the week:

Total wage for the week = $693.50 + $260.06 + $200.75
Total wage for the week = $1,154.31

Therefore, Harry's total wage for the week is $1,154.31.