Which type of chemical reaction is shown in the graph?


Literally can't find the answer to any of this dumb practice Quiz Its the dumb energy in chemical reactions 2 Online practice literally no one has taken it apparently I've searched everywhere and still nothing

1. Which statement about the reaction that forms water is correct?

-The reaction is exothermic because the total energy released by the products is greater than the energy absorbed in the reactants.

2. A test tube has a stopper on top. Is the system still be able to transmit heat? Why or why not?
-Yes, it can transmit heat because the heat will escape through the glass and stopper.

3. Since energy is never created or destroyed, how does it flow in a system during a chemical reaction?
-It is absorbed from the environment to break bonds, then released back into the surroundings when forming bonds.

4. Which type of chemical reaction is shown in the graph?

5. Use the equation for the burning of wood to answer the question.
C6H10O5 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 5H2O + heat
Which line for wood burning would be longer on the energy graph?
-the vertical line indicating bonds forming

6. The energy change within a system is based on the change in the bond energies of which parts of a chemical reaction?
both the products and reactants

7.Which list best describes molecules that will react?
hotter, moving quickly, higher energy

8.When plants perform photosynthesis, they absorb the sun’s energy and use it to convert water and carbon dioxide into oxygen and the energy-rich sugar, glucose. The following reaction occurs:
6H2O + 6CO2 → 6O2 + C6H12O6
In this reaction, does it take more energy to break up the reactants, or is more energy released when forming the bonds of the products?
-More energy is absorbed when breaking up the reactants because energy from the sun is applied to break the bonds.

9.Why is thermal energy a good source of activation energy?
-Thermal energy causes increased molecular movement, so molecules are more likely to make contact with one another.

10.A gas stove burns propane and oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water, thereby heating a home (i.e., the surroundings). Where is the source of the heat coming from?
-The formation of carbon dioxide and water releases heat energy.

11.Which type of collision is required for successful chemical reactions?
-collision in the correct orientation with high energy

12.When drumsticks strike a drum, energy is transferred and then converted. Which type of energy is transferred, and to which type of energy is it converted?
-kinetic, sound

13.Oxygen and sulfur are in the same group in the periodic table. Sulfur is in the row below oxygen. The bond energy of an O=O bond is 494 kJ/mol. Which statement about the bond energy of the S=S bond is most reasonable?
-The bond energy of S=S is less than 494 kJ/mol because sulfur has more electron shells than oxygen.

did it. and got 13/13 or 100%

As an AI language model, I cannot see the graph or specific information about the chemical reaction you are referring to. However, I can provide you with a general understanding of the options you mentioned:

A. Exothermic reaction: This type of reaction releases energy in the form of heat, resulting in an increase in temperature. The graph for an exothermic reaction typically shows a decrease in energy or enthalpy as the reaction proceeds.

B. Endothermic reaction: This type of reaction absorbs energy from the surroundings, resulting in a decrease in temperature. The graph for an endothermic reaction typically shows an increase in energy or enthalpy as the reaction proceeds.

C. Decomposition reaction: This type of reaction involves the breakdown of a compound into two or more simpler substances. The graph for a decomposition reaction typically shows a decrease in the energy or enthalpy of the reactant(s) as the reaction proceeds.

D. Replacement reaction: This type of reaction involves the exchange of atoms or groups of atoms between two compounds. The graph for a replacement reaction may vary depending on the specific reactants involved.

Without more specific information about the graph or the reaction, it is not possible to determine which type of reaction is shown. It is recommended to review the information and data presented in your practice quiz to make an informed decision.

To determine the type of chemical reaction shown in the graph, there are a few steps you can take:

1. Analyze the graph: Look at the changes in energy on the y-axis and the progress of the reaction on the x-axis. Identify any significant changes that occur during the reaction.

2. Consider energy changes: Exothermic reactions release energy (decrease in energy), while endothermic reactions absorb energy (increase in energy). Decomposition reactions involve the breakdown of a compound into simpler substances, and replacement reactions involve the exchange of elements or groups of atoms between compounds.

3. Interpret the graph: Based on the information gathered from steps 1 and 2, determine the type of reaction that best fits the graph.

Since I don't have access to the graph you are referring to, I cannot analyze it directly. However, I can provide guidance on what to look for and how to interpret the graph. If you could provide more information about the graph or the specific data points, I would be glad to assist you further in identifying the type of chemical reaction.

so, have you actually tried studying the material, instead of just looking for answers?

asking for a friend ...