Use the paragraph to answer the question.

Scene III.—The sun is rising on the horizon. The mouth-watering aroma of freshly baked bread lingers in the air. Ava adjusts one more pumpernickel loaf in the glass case on the shop counter. It is only 5 a.m., but she has been up kneading, rolling, and baking for hours. She smiles softly at all of her hard work and walks around the spotless counter to flip the sign on the shop door from "Closed" to "Open."

Which location is the setting of the scene?

1. a bakery

2. alliteration
3. He wants to stay a boy.
4. with a resolution
5. conflict
6. to evoke emotion and help readers form mental images
7. Onomatopoeia is used to produce a vivid description of the dive.
8. to develop meaning and reveal the theme
9. tell when a paragraph or chapter ends
10.The actions of the play and its characters come to life.

have a great day(* ̄3 ̄)╭

I'm getting the answers in a minute \( ̄︶ ̄*\))

oh and good luck with testing <(^-^)>

To determine the location that is the setting of the scene described in the paragraph, we need to look for specific details that indicate the place. In this case, the paragraph mentions a shop counter, a glass case, a spotless counter, and a shop door. These details suggest that the scene is taking place in a bakery or a bakery shop. Therefore, the location of the setting is a bakery or a bakery shop.