Draw the graph of each equation


(if you cant add the graph/line then just tell me the points that i need to draw)

Graph it on this

h ttps ://ww w.geogeb ra.or g/m/V W N3g9rE



xy - 3x - 2y + 6 = 0
y(x - 2) = 3x - 6
y = (3x - 6)/(x - 2)
y = 3(x - 2)/(x - 2)
y = 3, x ≠ 2

ahh, they are trying to trick us, it is simply a horizontal line of
y = 3, with a hole at (2,3)
that is, the point (2,3) does not exist

To graph the equation (x-2)(y-3)=0, we can start by setting each factor equal to zero and finding the corresponding points on the graph.

Setting x-2=0, we solve for x, which gives us x=2. So, we have one point on the graph, (2, ?), where ? indicates the y-coordinate can be any value.

Next, setting y-3=0, we solve for y, which gives us y=3. So, we have another point on the graph, (?, 3), where ? indicates the x-coordinate can be any value.

Combining these two points, we have the points (2, ?) and (?, 3).

Now, let's plot these points on a graph.

The point (2, ?) means that the x-coordinate is fixed at 2, but the y-coordinate can be any value, so we draw a vertical line passing through x=2.

Similarly, the point (?, 3) means that the y-coordinate is fixed at 3, but the x-coordinate can be any value, so we draw a horizontal line passing through y=3.

The intersection of these two lines represents the graph of the equation (x-2)(y-3)=0.

The graph consists of two lines, one vertical and one horizontal, intersecting at the point (2, 3).