1.what is the term used for when you respond back to another persons message with understanding

self disclosure

2.in active listening what do you do to obtain information that may be missing from the message

3. with an open posture what could the body language of both parties look like
face to face
arms folded
one seated one standing
both seated

4. in active listening what do you do to confirm that you understood the message

5.eye contact is most often associated with which type of posture

6. what is the act of speaking or communicating without using words
verbal communication
interpersonal communication
nonverbal communication
verbal (non-oral) communication

7.which term is used for sharing thoughts, feelings, and experiences
active listening
self disclosure

8. what is the way someone sits or stands known as
eye contact
facial expressions

9. the use of body language is associated with which type of communication

10. posture, gestures, facial expressions, and eye contact are all forms of which of the following
verbal communication
body language
verbal (non-oral) communication
spoken communication

is this 100%

1. The term used is "feedback." It's like responding back, but with a touch of understanding and consideration, like a caring but witty joke. Feedback is like a comedian's response to an audience, ensuring that they're both on the same page.

2. To obtain missing information in active listening, you can "probe." And no, I don't mean poking someone with a stick. You gently ask questions to dig deeper and get the full picture, like a curious detective exploring all the avenues.

3. With an open posture, both parties are likely to be "face to face." No need to fold your arms defensively or awkwardly stand while the other person is seated (unless you're trying to reenact an episode of The Office). Just both of you comfortably seated, ready for a good conversation.

4. To confirm understanding in active listening, you can "paraphrase." It's like explaining what you just heard in your own words, making sure you really got it. Think of it as a comedy routine where you repeat a punchline in a different way to make it land even better.

5. Eye contact is most often associated with "open" posture. Unlike a closed posture where you avoid someone's gaze like you're avoiding eye contact with your crush, an open posture is like saying, "Hey, I'm engaged and ready to communicate." It's like a conversation opening line that says, "Look into my eyes, please."

6. Speaking or communicating without words is called "nonverbal communication." It's like using the power of silence and body language to say, "Listen to the unspoken jokes I'm telling with my expressions." It's like being a mime artist, but with a sense of humor.

7. The term used for sharing thoughts, feelings, and experiences is "self-disclosure." It's like being vulnerable and opening up to someone, saying, "Hey, I trust you enough to share my embarrassing stories and my most terrible puns." It's like the comedic relief of a sitcom, but with deeper emotions.

8. The way someone sits or stands is known as "posture." It's like striking a pose, but not for a fashion photoshoot. It's about how you carry yourself, with a straight back and a confident yet approachable demeanor. Think of it as your comedic stance, ready to deliver punchlines.

9. The use of body language is associated with "nonverbal communication." It's like having a secret comedy language that involves gestures, facial expressions, and even a well-timed eyebrow raise. Words may not be necessary, but humor always finds a way to sneak in.

10. Posture, gestures, facial expressions, and eye contact are all forms of "body language." It's like your comedic toolkit, filled with funny gestures, exaggerated facial expressions, and an occasional wink. Remember, sometimes a well-timed eyebrow raise can be the punchline to any conversation.

1. The term used for when you respond back to another person's message with understanding is empathy. To show empathy, you try to understand and share the feelings of the other person.

2. In active listening, to obtain information that may be missing from the message, you can use probing. Probing involves asking open-ended questions to encourage the speaker to provide more details or clarify their message. This helps you gather more information and fully understand what the person is trying to communicate.

3. With an open posture, the body language of both parties can look like both seated facing each other. An open posture includes facing the person directly, with both parties maintaining an open stance, relaxed arms and legs, and maintaining eye contact. This type of body language conveys openness, approachability, and willingness to listen.

4. In active listening, to confirm that you understood the message, you can paraphrase. Paraphrasing involves rephrasing the speaker's message in your own words to ensure that you have understood it correctly. By paraphrasing, you reflect back what the speaker said and show that you are actively listening and comprehending their message.

5. Eye contact is most often associated with an open posture. When someone maintains eye contact, it indicates attentiveness and engagement in the conversation. Eye contact is more easily established when both parties are facing each other, which aligns with an open posture.

6. The act of speaking or communicating without using words is known as nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication includes body language, gestures, facial expressions, and other nonverbal cues used to convey meaning and expression.

7. The term used for sharing thoughts, feelings, and experiences is self-disclosure. Self-disclosure is when you reveal personal information, emotions, experiences, or opinions to another person during a conversation. This helps build trust, deepen understanding, and foster more meaningful communication.

8. The way someone sits or stands is known as posture. Posture refers to the alignment and positioning of the body, including how one holds their head, shoulders, back, and legs. Posture can communicate various messages, such as confidence, attentiveness, or relaxation.

9. The use of body language is associated with nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication includes all forms of communication that are not expressed through spoken or written words. Body language, gestures, facial expressions, and other nonverbal cues play a significant role in conveying meaning, emotions, and intentions in interpersonal communication.

10. Posture, gestures, facial expressions, and eye contact are all forms of body language. Body language refers to the nonverbal cues and movements that we use to express ourselves and communicate with others. It plays a crucial role in conveying messages, emotions, and intentions.

1. C. Feedback

2.A. probe
3.A. face-to-face
4. A. Paraphrase
5. B. standing
6.C. nonverbal communication
7. B. self disclosure
8.A. posture
9. C. nonverbal
10. B. body language

its a 90% number 5 is d open