In a multicellular organism, different cells have different ______. *

(answer choices)
none of these

i need this question too HELP PLS T^T

i think its DNA am i right??? SOMEONE HELP PLS T^T

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the question and look at each answer choice:

A. Organisms: This answer choice is not correct because the question is asking about different cells within a multicellular organism, not different multicellular organisms.

B. Jobs: This answer choice is correct. In a multicellular organism, different cells have different jobs or specialized functions. Each type of cell in an organism is specialized to carry out specific tasks or functions necessary for the overall functioning of the organism.

C. DNA: This answer choice is not correct because while different cells may have different DNA, the question is specifically asking about the differences between cells, not their DNA.

D. None of these: Since we have concluded that the correct answer is B, "Jobs," the answer "none of these" is not accurate.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Different cells in a multicellular organism have different jobs or specialized functions.