When same as a small child he spend hi ours every day playing with stones in the garden

It seems like you're describing a scenario where a small child spends a lot of time playing with stones in the garden. While I don't have enough information to provide a detailed answer, I can suggest a few possible reasons for this behavior:

1. Sensorimotor Development: Young children often engage in exploratory play, where they use their senses to interact with objects in their environment. Playing with stones might provide them with different textures, shapes, and colors to explore, helping them develop their sensory and motor skills.

2. Creativity and Imagination: Children have a natural inclination towards imaginative play. The stones in the garden can be seen as open-ended objects that can become anything in the child's imagination. They might create imaginary scenarios, build structures, or even use the stones as props in their imaginative play.

3. Curiosity and Scientific Inquiry: Children are naturally curious about the world around them. Playing with stones can fuel their curiosity, as they might investigate their properties, observe patterns, or experiment with how they interact with other objects in the garden. This type of play fosters scientific thinking and problem-solving skills.

To gain a better understanding of the specific reasons behind a child's behavior, it's essential to observe and interact with them, as well as consider their individual interests and developmental stage.