What about Greece and its landscape made trade necessary?

A) It was founded between two large empires
B) It was located on a mountain range
C) It was hot and dry most of the year
ps this is in USA test prep

the fact i search this up and find my answer

I spelled social studies wrong 0.0

What about Greece and its landscape made trade necessary

A) It was founded between two large empires. The strategic location of Greece between two large empires, Persia and Rome, made trade necessary. Greece had access to both the Aegean Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, making it an ideal location for trade and commerce. The mountainous terrain also forced Greeks to trade with each other and with other civilizations in order to obtain resources that were not available in their own region.

To determine the correct answer to this question, we need to consider the options provided and evaluate the reasons why trade would be necessary based on Greece's landscape.

A) Greece being founded between two large empires does not inherently necessitate trade. While being located between empires may create opportunities for trade, it does not directly explain why trade was necessary due to Greece's landscape.

B) Greece being located on a mountain range plays a significant role in the necessity of trade. The mountainous terrain in Greece limited arable land for agriculture and made transportation within the region challenging. These factors made it difficult for Greece to be self-sufficient in terms of resources and necessitated trade with other regions to obtain necessary goods.

C) Greece having a hot and dry climate does not necessarily explain why trade was necessary. Climate conditions could impact the types of crops that can be grown locally, but it doesn't directly lead to the necessity of trade.

Based on the explanations provided, the most plausible answer is B) Greece being located on a mountain range. The mountainous landscape limited agricultural productivity and made trade necessary to acquire resources and goods that were not readily available within the region.

Not great answer choices, but I guess it's B.
