Why has the Colorado River become an environmental issue?

A. Frequent flooding threatens endangered habitats in the Rocky Mountains.
B. Oil spills have polluted the river and threatened many species.
C. Irrigation has severely reduced the flow of water.
D. River levels are rising rapidly as a result of climate change.

I think d

To determine the answer to this question, we can evaluate each option:

A. Frequent flooding threatens endangered habitats in the Rocky Mountains.
While frequent flooding can be a natural occurrence and may affect habitats, it is not specifically related to the Colorado River becoming an environmental issue.

B. Oil spills have polluted the river and threatened many species.
Oil spills can indeed have a detrimental impact on water bodies, including rivers. However, there is no mention of oil spills being a specific issue with the Colorado River.

C. Irrigation has severely reduced the flow of water.
This option has merit. Irrigation practices, especially in agricultural regions, can significantly reduce the flow of water in a river, affecting its ecological balance and impacting both wildlife and the overall ecosystem.

D. River levels are rising rapidly as a result of climate change.
There is no evidence or research indicating that river levels on the Colorado River are rising rapidly due to climate change. Therefore, this option is not a significant factor contributing to the environmental issues related to the Colorado River.

Based on this analysis, the most relevant option is C. Irrigation has severely reduced the flow of water. The diversion of water for human use, specifically for irrigation purposes, has led to reduced flow in the Colorado River, impacting the river's ecosystem, habitats, and species that depend on it.

I think that depends on where you are. In CA and AZ, the answer is probably C. In other states, probably D.