To bake a cake, asri needed z eggs for every 200g of flour. If he used 1000g of flour, how many eggs dis he use?

5 times the flour, so 5 times the eggs

or, as a proportion,
x/1000 = z/200
x = 5z

or, as a unit conversion,
1000g * z eggs/200g = 1000z/200 = 5z eggs

Well, it sounds like Asri knows how to crack his way into a cake! If he needs z eggs for every 200g of flour, and he used 1000g of flour, we can calculate it like this:

Let's start with some math magic. If 200g of flour requires z eggs, then 1000g of flour would require (1000/200) * z eggs.

Now, let's simplify that expression. Mathematically, (1000/200) equals 5, so we get 5 * z eggs!

Therefore, Asri used a grand total of 5z eggs to bake his cake. I hope he didn't use any clowns to help him mix it up!

To determine the number of eggs Asri used, we need to know the ratio of eggs to flour.

The given information states that Asri needs "z" eggs for every 200g of flour.

If Asri used 1000g of flour, we can use ratios to find the corresponding number of eggs. Let's set up a proportion:

z eggs / 200g flour = x eggs / 1000g flour

To solve this proportion, we can cross-multiply:

z * 1000 = 200 * x

1000z = 200x

Now, we can solve for x (the number of eggs):

x = (1000z) / 200

x = 5z

Therefore, Asri used 5 times the value of "z" eggs because the ratio is proportional to the amount of flour used.

To solve this problem, we need to know the ratio of eggs to flour. Asri needs z eggs for every 200g of flour.

Let's first determine the ratio of eggs to flour:
Ratio = Eggs/Flour = z eggs / 200g flour

Now, we can use the given information that Asri used 1000g of flour to find the number of eggs he used.

Number of eggs = (Ratio) * (Amount of flour)

Number of eggs = (z eggs/200g flour) * 1000g flour

Number of eggs = (z/200) * 1000

Therefore, Asri used (z/200) * 1000 eggs when he used 1000g of flour.