assess to what extent gender stereotypes are still prevalent in todsy's society.Provide 2 examples to justify your answer

To assess the extent of prevalent gender stereotypes in today's society, one can gather information through various sources such as studies, surveys, and personal observations. Here's how you can approach the topic and find two examples to justify your answer:

1. Research and studies: By examining research studies conducted on gender stereotypes, you can gather statistical data and trends that denote the prevalence of such stereotypes in today's society. Look for studies that focus on areas such as media representation, occupational segregation, and societal expectations.

For example, a study conducted by the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media found that female characters are significantly underrepresented in children's media compared to their male counterparts. This example indicates that gender stereotypes are still prevalent within media, reinforcing traditional gender roles.

2. Surveys and social observations: Another approach is to conduct surveys or analyze existing surveys on people's beliefs and perceptions regarding gender stereotypes. These surveys can provide insights into societal attitudes and established gender norms.

For instance, a survey conducted by a reputable organization on workplace perceptions may reveal that a significant portion of respondents still believe that certain professions are more suitable for specific genders, perpetuating stereotypes and hindering gender equality.

By utilizing these research methods, you can evaluate the prevalence of gender stereotypes in various contexts, making it easier to provide two examples to support your assessment.