Unit 3 lesson than 12 emerging state and nation unit test.

1. What was the purpose of Jim Crow laws in South Carolina? (1 point)
To stop African American from voting
To stop poor watch from voting
To take Land for African Americans
To help African Americans gain jobs

Somebody give answers

please give the answers i will fail this if not

Anonymous she obviously did use google if she's here rn

To answer this question, we can start by understanding what Jim Crow laws were. Jim Crow laws were a series of racially discriminatory laws enacted in the United States, particularly in the Southern states, between the late 19th century and the mid-20th century. These laws enforced racial segregation and denied many rights and opportunities to African Americans.

Now, the purpose of the Jim Crow laws in South Carolina, or in any other Southern state, was not to help African Americans gain jobs. On the contrary, these laws were created to enforce racial segregation, particularly between African Americans and white Americans. They were designed to preserve white supremacy, maintain social control, and suppress the political and economic advancement of African Americans.

So, to correctly answer the question, the purpose of the Jim Crow laws in South Carolina was not to take land for African Americans or to help them gain jobs. Instead, it was to stop African Americans from voting, as well as to impose segregation and deny them access to equal rights and opportunities.

@Anonymous dont you think she tried that if shes on here ? unless she is just dumb.

surely your text explains this topic.

If not, ever hear of google?