Create an image that visually interprets the concept of irony. The image should include an illustration that shows a character saying something, but the image shows the opposite happening. Include another illustration where something unexpected occurs that contrasts what was planned. Include another scene where the depicted audience has foresight of an upcoming event that the main character is oblivious of. Finally, a common use of dramatic irony, like a character being unaware of their fate which is well known to the audience. Make sure to not include any text in the image.

1. ____ occurs when a character’s words mean the opposite of their literal meaning.​

2. ____ occurs when what happens is the opposite of what is expected.​

3. _____ occurs when the audience knows something that a character does not.

4. The most common use of dramatic irony in a text is to _________.

1. Verbal irony

2. Situational irony
3. Dramatic irony
4. Create suspense


1. Verbal irony
2. Situational irony
3. Dramatic irony
4. Create suspense

Happy is correct, I got a 100% Thank you!

@Anon you are so phkn useless

@Hanako Kun, is absolutely correct!! 4/4!

@R.I.P Dimebag Darrel

1. Verbal irony
2. Situational irony
3. Dramatic irony
4. Create suspense
100% still correct 2023 God bless everyone.

I know I cheat and look up answers, but, how can you NOT in online school when you KNOW you CAN?!?!?! Too bad next year ima going to public school. I wonder how many connexus kids know about this and cheat with it???

Bro just watch teen titans go! they have an entire episode that explains irony and all of its forms and how to use it lol.


*and get away with it*🤥🤗🤩🥳😄😁😆😇🤖👏🤘🤙🧠👩‍🎓👩‍💻🙏🏻✍🏻 💯