The scale on a map is 1:30000

What is the actual distance represented by 1cm?
Give your answer in metres

30,000 cm = 300 m

I need answers

To find the actual distance represented by 1cm on the map, we can use the scale given, which is 1:30000. The scale indicates the ratio between distances on the map and actual distances in real life.

To calculate the actual distance, we can set up a proportion using the scale:

(map distance) / (actual distance) = (map scale) / (actual scale)

In this case, we are looking for the actual distance, so we can set up the proportion as follows:

x / 1cm = 30000 / 1

To solve for x (the actual distance), we cross-multiply:

x = 30000 * 1cm
x = 30000cm

Since we want the answer in meters, we need to convert centimeters to meters. 1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters:

x = 30000cm / 100
x = 300 meters

Therefore, 1cm on the map represents an actual distance of 300 meters.