Write the correct form of the verb with the subject given: je/chercher

Write the correct form of the verb with the subject given: nous/trouver
Nous _____
Write the correct form of the verb with the subject given: elles/ déjeuner.
Write the correct form of the verb with the subject given: tu/commencer
Write the correct form of the verb with the subject given: ils/dire
Write the correct form of the verb with the subject given: vous/dire
Write the correct form of the verb with the subject given: je/dire

1. je / chercher, je cherche

2. nous / trouver, nous trouvez

3. elles / dejeuner, elles déjeunent

4. tu / commencer, tu commences

5. ils / dire, lls disent

6. vous / dire, Vous dites

7. je / dire, je dis

Je cherche.

Nous trouvons.
Elles déjeunent.
Tu commences.
Ils disent.
Vous dites.
Je dis.