Guess the lyric

I can't believe we're finally alone
I can't believe I almost went home
What are the chances? Everyone's dancing
And he's not with you
The universe must have divined this
What am I gonna do?
Not grab your wrist?

anyone know???

It's Boyfriend by Dove Cameron

The lyric you provided is from the song "not ur friend" by Jeremy Zucker. To guess the lyric, I used the information you provided. If you have a particular song or artist in mind, it would be helpful to provide more context.

If you want to find the lyrics to a specific song, the easiest way is to search for the song title followed by the word "lyrics." This will give you a list of websites or platforms where you can find the complete lyrics.

If you want to find lyrics without knowing the song title, you can search for a specific line or phrase from the lyrics and include the word "lyrics" in your search. This can help you find the song you're looking for.

If you are more interested in the process of guessing lyrics, it often involves listening to the song multiple times, looking up the artist's discography, or discussing it with others who might be familiar with the song. Additionally, using lyric search engines or websites dedicated to song lyrics can also help in the process of guessing or finding lyrics.