Estimate the area of the circle. Use 3.14 or 22/7 for pi. There is a circle with a diameter of 28

So first think I did was I found half of 28 to get the radius which is 14. Next I wrote the formula A=3.14(14^2). Then I multiplied and got 615 but I’m stuck because it says estimate so idk what it would be next

Okay so I know the answer to the question so let me explain. You can ignore the estimate part. To get the answer you take 14 and 14 out of 28 and multiply them to get the number 196. After that do 196 x 3.14. Then you will have your answer! please do change up the words or you will get plagiarized! Also, if you want I will give the answer to 196 x 3.14


well π is about 3, and 14^2 is about 200, so I'd guess 600

the answers 615.44 right

Yes the answer is 615.44

TYSM @kahl broflovski!!

@kahl broflovski is 100% correct.

ok thanks my whole grade was depending on it i will use it


Correct! Don't hesitate to ask if you have any more questions.