4(3x-2)-5(4x+1) remove the brackets and simplify


= 12x - 8 - 20x - 5
= -8x - 13

4 ( 3 x - 2 ) - 5 ( 4 x + 1 ) =

4 • 3 x - 4 • 2 - 5 • 4 x - 5 • 1 =

12 x - 8 - 20 x - 5 =

- 8 x - 13 = - ( 8 x + 13 )

To remove the brackets and simplify the expression 4(3x-2) - 5(4x+1), we can apply the distributive property. Here are the steps:

1. Distribute the 4 into the terms inside the first set of brackets:
4 * 3x = 12x
4 * -2 = -8

The expression becomes: 12x - 8 - 5(4x+1)

2. Distribute the 5 into the terms inside the second set of brackets:
5 * 4x = 20x
5 * 1 = 5

The expression becomes: 12x - 8 - 20x - 5

3. Combine like terms:
(12x - 20x) = -8x

The expression becomes: -8x - 8 - 5

4. Combine -8 and -5:
(-8 - 5) = -13

The final simplified expression is: -8x - 13

To remove the brackets and simplify the expression 4(3x-2)-5(4x+1), you need to distribute the numbers outside the brackets to each term inside the brackets. Let's break down the steps:

1. Distribute 4 to each term inside the first set of brackets:
4 * 3x = 12x
4 * (-2) = -8

The expression becomes: 12x - 8 - 5(4x + 1)

2. Distribute 5 to each term inside the second set of brackets:
5 * 4x = 20x
5 * 1 = 5

The expression becomes: 12x - 8 - 20x - 5

3. Simplify by combining like terms. In this case, we have "x" terms and constant terms:
(12x - 20x) - 8 - 5 = -8x - 8 - 5

The simplified expression is: -8x - 13

Therefore, after removing the brackets and simplifying, the expression 4(3x-2)-5(4x+1) simplifies to -8x - 13.