Harry and Nicky share $120 but Nicky takes $58 more than Harry. How much does each person have?

H = Harry's part

N = Nicky's part

Nicky takes $58 more than Harry means:

N = H + 58

Harry and Nicky share $120 means:

H + N = 120

Replace N with H + 58 in this equation.

H + H + 58 = 120

2 H + 58 =120

Subtract 58 to both sided

2 H = 72

H = 72 / 2 = 36

N = H + 58 = 36 + 58 = 94

Harry have $36

Nick have $94

Well, it seems that Nicky is not playing fair with poor Harry's money! If Nicky stole $58 more, we can say that Harry has $x and Nicky has $x + $58. Now, according to the problem, they share a total of $120, so we can set up an equation:

x + (x + $58) = $120

Simplifying that, we have:

2x + $58 = $120

Subtracting $58 from both sides:

2x = $62

Dividing both sides by 2:

x = $31

So, Harry has $31 and Nicky, being a bit of a sneaky character, has $31 + $58 = $89. Poor Harry, I hope he learns to hide his money next time!

Let's represent Harry's share as H and Nicky's share as N.

Given that Nicky takes $58 more than Harry, we can write the equation: N = H + $58.

We also know that the total amount shared is $120, so we can write the equation: H + N = $120.

Substituting N in terms of H from the first equation into the second equation, we get: H + (H + $58) = $120.

Combining like terms, we simplify the equation: 2H + $58 = $120.

Subtracting $58 from both sides of the equation, we have: 2H = $120 - $58.

Simplifying the right-hand side of the equation, we get: 2H = $62.

Dividing both sides of the equation by 2, we have: H = $31.

Now, substituting this value of H back into the first equation, we find: N = $31 + $58.

Evaluating this, we get: N = $89.

Therefore, Harry has $31 and Nicky has $89.

To find out how much each person has, we need to set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's assume that Harry has x dollars.

According to the information given, Nicky takes $58 more than Harry. So, Nicky will have x + $58 dollars.

Now, we know that together, Harry and Nicky share $120. We can set up the equation:

x + (x + $58) = $120

Simplifying the equation, we have:

2x + $58 = $120

To isolate the variable x, we can subtract $58 from both sides:

2x = $120 - $58
2x = $62

Divide both sides of the equation by 2 to solve for x:

x = $62 / 2
x = $31

So, Harry has $31.

To find out how much Nicky has, we'll substitute the value of x back into one of the equations:

Nicky = x + $58
Nicky = $31 + $58
Nicky = $89

Therefore, Nicky has $89 and Harry has $31.