a board is 12 meters long and cut into 2 pieces whose lengths are 1:5.

What is the length of the longer piece?

shorter piece --- x

longer piece ---5x
(notice x : 5x = 1 : 5)

x + 5x = 12

x = 2
so the pieces are 2 m and 10 m

are they in ratio 1:5 ?? yes
do they add up to 12 ? yes

but, but, what about the sawcut ????

thanks for your help

To find the length of the longer piece, we need to first determine the ratio between the two pieces.

Given that the length of the board is 12 meters and the lengths are in a 1:5 ratio, we can set up the equation:

1x + 5x = 12

Adding the x terms together, we get:

6x = 12

To solve for x, divide both sides of the equation by 6:

x = 12/6

Simplifying, we find that x = 2.

Now that we know the value of x, we can find the length of the longer piece by multiplying it by the ratio factor:

Length of the longer piece = 5x = 5 * 2 = 10 meters.

Therefore, the length of the longer piece is 10 meters.