Round off 321409 to the nearest 1000

409 is closer to zero than to 1000


To round off 321409 to the nearest 1000, you need to look at the hundreds place of the number. The hundreds place in 321409 is 1.

Since the hundreds place is less than 500, you would round down to the nearest 1000.

Therefore, rounding off 321409 to the nearest 1000 gives you 321000.

To round off a number to the nearest thousand, you need to look at the digit in the thousands place and determine whether to round up or round down based on the digit in the hundreds place.

In the number 321,409, the digit in the thousands place is 3. Since the digit in the hundreds place is 2, which is less than 5, we would round down.

To round the number to the nearest thousand, you would keep the digit in the thousands place the same and replace all the digits to the right of it with zeros.

Therefore, rounding off 321,409 to the nearest thousand would give you the result of 321,000.