How many acres are there in a rectangular lot that is 300' wide by 600' deep if there are 43,560 square feet/acre?

300 * 600 / 43560 = 4.13 acres

To calculate the number of acres in a rectangular lot, you need to convert its dimensions to acres.

First, calculate the area of the lot by multiplying its width by its depth:

Area = width x depth = 300 ft x 600 ft = 180,000 square feet

Next, convert the area from square feet to acres by dividing it by the conversion factor of 43,560 square feet/acre:

Acres = Area / 43,560 = 180,000 sq ft / 43,560 sq ft/acre = 4.13 acres (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, there are approximately 4.13 acres in the rectangular lot.

To find the number of acres in a rectangular lot, you need to convert the given dimensions from feet to acres. Here's how you can do it step-by-step:

1. Calculate the area of the rectangular lot: Area = width × depth.
In this case, Width = 300 feet and Depth = 600 feet.
Therefore, Area = 300 ft × 600 ft = 180,000 square feet.

2. Convert the area from square feet to acres using the conversion factor of 43,560 square feet/acre:
Acres = Area ÷ 43,560.
Hence, Acres = 180,000 sq ft ÷ 43,560 = 4.132 acres (rounded to three decimal places).

Therefore, the rectangular lot is approximately 4.132 acres in size.

Note: The 43,560 square feet/acre is the conversion factor widely used to convert from square feet to acres.