Which Chinese items were in high demand in Europe during the age of exploration?

rice and silver

wood and gold

silk and porcelain

corn and sugar

the answer is c. silk and porcelain

C. Silk and porcelain was in high demand in Europe during the age of exploration.

During the Age of Exploration, European countries were eager to establish trade routes with the Far East, specifically China, to access valuable goods. The Chinese items that were in high demand in Europe during this time were primarily silk and porcelain, making option C, "silk and porcelain," the correct answer.

To understand why silk and porcelain were highly sought after, we need to look at the context of the time. Silk was an incredibly valuable fabric that originated in China and was highly desirable for its softness, luster, and exclusivity. It was seen as a symbol of wealth and luxury in Europe. Porcelain, on the other hand, was a type of ceramic ware that was intricately designed and fired at high temperatures, resulting in a durable and beautiful product. It had various uses, including tableware and decorative items, and was considered a precious commodity.

To get to these answers, you can rely on historical records, books, and scholarly articles that discuss the trade relationships between Europe and China during the Age of Exploration. Additionally, studying primary sources from the time, such as trading logs or merchants' accounts, can provide valuable insights into the specific goods that were in demand.

Do a google search with the question and you will find the answer very quickly.