Write a problem story that represents 5 divide by 1/6

Once upon a time, there were 5 friends who decided to share a delicious cake. However, they encountered a problem when they realized that they only had 1/6 of the cake to divide amongst themselves.

To solve this problem, they needed to find out how much cake each friend would get. To do that, they had to divide the total amount of cake (which was 5) by the fraction 1/6.

To divide by a fraction, they followed these steps:

1. Invert the fraction: They flipped 1/6 to its reciprocal, which is 6/1.

2. Multiply: They then multiplied 5 by the reciprocal of 1/6 (i.e., 6/1).

5 x 6/1 = 30/1

Once they performed the multiplication, they found that the answer was 30/1. But that wasn't the final answer they were looking for. They needed to simplify the fraction to make it easier to understand.

3. Simplify: They simplified the fraction 30/1 to its simplest form. Since any number divided by 1 is that same number itself, they realized that each friend would get 30 equal portions of the cake.

So, even though they only had 1/6 of the cake initially, by dividing 5 by 1/6, each friend ended up with 30 equal portions of the delicious cake. Everyone was thrilled and happily enjoyed their share of the cake!