Which two factors explain why salt was so valuable to West Africans?

Salt helped prevent dehydration in the hot climate.
Salt was used as a form of currency.
Salt was one of the exotic goods traded by the Asian traders.
Salt was used to preserve food.
Salt was available only in Zimbabwe.

Of the options given, the two factors that explain why salt was so valuable to West Africans are:

1. Salt helped prevent dehydration in the hot climate: In regions with hot and arid climates, such as West Africa, the human body loses water through sweating at a faster rate. This increased water loss puts individuals at a higher risk of dehydration. Salt plays a crucial role in maintaining proper hydration levels by aiding in fluid balance and helping to retain water in the body. As a result, salt became highly valuable as a means to prevent dehydration in these environments.

2. Salt was used as a form of currency: Salt was not only valued for its health benefits but also served as a medium of exchange or form of currency in West African societies. Before the advent of modern currencies, salt was widely used in trade transactions. It was highly prized and could be traded for other goods, making it a valuable commodity in economic exchanges.

The other options listed are incorrect:

- Salt being one of the exotic goods traded by Asian traders does not explain why it specifically held value for West Africans. While exotic goods were indeed traded by various merchants across different regions, it does not directly attribute value to salt for West Africans.
- Salt being used to preserve food is a general application of salt, applicable to various cultures and regions, and does not uniquely explain its value to West Africans.
- The final option stating that salt was only available in Zimbabwe is incorrect. Salt is a naturally occurring mineral found all over the world, and West Africans had access to different sources of salt, including nearby salt mines and coastal salt pans.

Therefore, the correct factors explaining the value of salt to West Africans are its role in preventing dehydration in hot climates and its use as a medium of exchange or currency.