Juan earns $11 per hour and works at most 30 hours per week. Identify the independent and dependent quantity in the situation, and find reasonable domain and range values.

a. amount of money earned; hours worked; $0 to $330; 0 to 30
b. hours worked; amount of money earned; 0 to 30; $0 to $330
c. hours worked; amount of money earned; $0 to $330; 0 to 30
d. amount of money earned; hours worked; 0 to 30; $0 to $330

whats the answer

i hate this format

The correct answer is d. amount of money earned; hours worked; 0 to 30; $0 to $330.

In this situation, the independent quantity is the hours worked, and the dependent quantity is the amount of money earned. The hours worked determines the amount of money earned.

The reasonable domain values are 0 to 30, as the number of hours worked cannot be negative and cannot exceed 30.

The reasonable range values are $0 to $330, as the amount of money earned cannot be negative and is limited by the hourly rate of $11 per hour.

The independent quantity in this situation is the hours worked, as it is the variable that can be freely chosen or controlled. The dependent quantity is the amount of money earned, as it depends on the number of hours worked.

To find the reasonable domain and range values, we need to consider the given information in the problem.

In the given problem, it states that Juan earns $11 per hour and works at most 30 hours per week. Therefore, the reasonable domain values for hours worked would be from 0 to 30, as we cannot have negative hours or work more than 30 hours.

Similarly, the amount of money earned can be calculated by multiplying the number of hours worked by the hourly rate of $11. Thus, the reasonable range values for the amount of money earned would be from 0 to $330, as $11 multiplied by 30 (the maximum number of hours worked) gives us $330.

So, the correct answer is option c. hours worked; amount of money earned; $0 to $330; 0 to 30.