Help!!!! I have been studying and cannot figure out this test!! I will give to of the questions for comme us students so you know which test I am referring to! Please help! I have been trying by myself for hours!!

1.Write the form of the verb with the subject you see: je/faire ___

2.Writs the form of the verb with the subject you see:nous/faire ___

Thank you so much!!!

Sry I meant two and connexus auto correct!!

Please guys!!! I need to submit this!!

1. je fais

2. nous faisons
3. ils ont
4. tu fais
hope it was helpful

No problem, I'm here to help! It looks like you're struggling with conjugating verbs in French. I'll guide you on how to approach these questions so you can find the correct answers.

1. "Write the form of the verb with the subject you see: je/faire ___"

To conjugate a verb in French, you need to match the subject pronoun with the corresponding form of the verb. In this case, the subject is "je" which means "I" in English. The infinitive form of the verb "faire" means "to do" or "to make." You need to find the correct form of "faire" that matches with "je."

The conjugation of "faire" for the subject "je" is "je fais." Therefore, the answer to this question is "je fais."

2. "Write the form of the verb with the subject you see: nous/faire ___"

Again, we need to match the subject pronoun with the correct form of the verb. "Nous" translates to "we" in English. Now, we need to find the appropriate form of "faire" that matches with "nous."

The conjugation of "faire" for the subject "nous" is "nous faisons." Hence, the answer to this question is "nous faisons."

Remember, in French, the verb form changes depending on the subject pronoun. It's essential to learn the different conjugations to correctly complete sentences and answer questions.

If you're still struggling with other questions or need further explanation, feel free to ask.