Illustrate a conceptually appealing image related to the topics of ethnicity and geography. Display a stylized map showcasing a large region containing multiple countries. Within this region, highlight an undetermined area representing a minority ethnic group. Ensure the representation includes cultural symbols, variations in landscape, and diversity, but exclude any text.

Which of the following is a minority ethnic group in several countries despite occupying a large area of the region?

The answers are

1. Kurds
2. women pursuing careers outside their homes
3. in Southwest Asia are _muslims_
in Cyprus however are _christian_
in Israel are _jewish_
4. christians, sunni muslims, shiite muslims
5. oil
just took it and got 100% :)

Bruh is 100% right, this is for the cultural diversity quick check part.

connexus answers >:)

1. C
2. B
3. muslim, christian, jewish. (in that order i listed them in)
4. B,C,E
5. oil
if I'm wrong I owe you a penny >:3

What following?

Also the answers are:

1: Kurds
2: women pursuing careers outside the home
3:Most people living in Southwest Asia are
(MUSLIM) The majority of people living in Cyprus however are
And the majority of people living in Israel are
4: Christians, Sunni Muslims, Shiite Muslims

trans.boi.oliver is 100% correct

thank you bruh and trans.boi.oliver

They both right

gib muns @trans.boi.oliver

@bruh and @trans.boi.oliver are right! thank you!!!