Unscramble the sentence. fait J' du ai Le weekend dernier sport

J'ai Le dernier sport du weekend.

Sorry I didnt know fait was in there, its J'ai fait Le dernier sport du weekend

To unscramble the sentence, we need to rearrange the jumbled words into a coherent sentence. The original sentence appears to be in French.

"Fait J' du ai Le weekend dernier sport" can be unscrambled into:

"J'ai fait du sport le weekend dernier."

This translates to:

"I did sports last weekend."

To unscramble sentences, it's helpful to identify the subject, verb, and object in the sentence structure. In this case, "J'ai" means "I did," "fait" means "did," "du sport" means "sports," and "Le weekend dernier" means "last weekend." By reordering the words in the correct sequence, we can form a meaningful sentence.