what was schindler doing when he talked to camp director amon goeth about power and told him that refraining from imposing punishment showed greater power than imposing it? was schindler successful?

To answer your question about what Schindler was doing when he talked to camp director Amon Goeth, I can explain that the scene you are referring to is from the movie "Schindler's List" directed by Steven Spielberg. In this particular scene, Schindler is discussing the concept of power with Goeth.

To provide a more detailed answer, you can follow these steps to rewatch the particular scene or find a summary of it:

1. Open a search engine like Google or YouTube.
2. Search for "Schindler's List Amon Goeth and Oskar Schindler scene."
3. Look for official movie clips, interviews, or reliable sources that provide a description or analysis of the scene.

By using these steps, you should be able to find the necessary resources to learn about the scene and understand Schindler's interactions with Goeth.

Regarding your question of whether Schindler was successful, you may need to watch the entire movie to explore the narrative arc of Oskar Schindler's character and the impact of his actions.