a man wants to enter a secret club but, he needs the password first. he doesnt know what it is so he watches some people go up to the body guard and listens for what the password could be.

the first person goes up to the body guard and the guard says "12" and the person says "6" then the guard allows the person in. the second person goes up to the guard and the guard says "6" then the person says "3" and they're allowed in.

The man thinking he understands the password goes up to the guard. The guard says "10" and the man says "5" the guard does not allow him in. why not?

Three. He should have said how many letters were in the number he said. Where's my trophy?

yay someone got it

To solve this riddle, let's analyze the pattern in the conversations between the guard and the visitors.

In the first interaction, the guard says "12" and the visitor responds with "6." In the second interaction, the guard says "6" and the visitor responds with "3." So, the pattern seems to involve some kind of arithmetic operation.

Looking closer, we can observe that in each interaction, the visitor's response is half of what the guard said. For example, 6 is half of 12, and 3 is half of 6.

Applying this pattern to the third interaction, the guard says "10." Therefore, the visitor should respond with half of 10, which is 5. However, the man mistakenly responds with "5," which is not the correct answer.

So, the reason the guard does not allow the man to enter the secret club is that he gave the wrong response to the password prompt. The correct response should have been "5," as half of 10.

The guard doesn't allow him in because he doesn't know the password. Duh