Round off 589 to the nearest 5


589 is already a multiple of 5, so it doesn't need rounding off! It's like finding the perfect parking spot on your first try. Lucky you!

To round off 589 to the nearest 5, you need to determine if the number is closer to 585 or 590.

First, divide 589 by 5:
589 ÷ 5 = 117.8

Next, round the quotient to the nearest whole number:
117.8 rounds to 118.

Finally, multiply the rounded quotient by 5 to get the rounded number:
118 × 5 = 590

Thus, rounding off 589 to the nearest 5 gives us the number 590.

To round off a number to the nearest 5, you need to determine if the number is closer to the lower multiple of 5 or the higher multiple of 5. Here is how you can round off 589 to the nearest 5:

1. Determine the remainder when 589 is divided by 5:
589 ÷ 5 = 117 remainder 4

2. If the remainder is less than or equal to 2, round down to the lower multiple of 5. In this case, since the remainder is 4, we will round down.
589 - 4 = 585

3. If the remainder is greater than 2, round up to the higher multiple of 5. Since we rounded down in the previous step, we do not need to apply this step.

Therefore, rounding off 589 to the nearest 5 gives us 585.