976 315 463 to the nearest 5

3 is almost 5

To round the number 976,315,463 to the nearest 5, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the digit in the ones place, which is 3.
Step 2: Check if the digit in the ones place is less than 2.5 or greater. In this case, 3 is greater than 2.5.
Step 3: Since the digit is greater than 2.5, we round up. Add 5 to the number.
Step 4: The rounded number is 976,315,465.

To round the number 976,315,463 to the nearest 5, you need to consider the digit in the ones place. In this case, the ones digit is 3.

To round to the nearest 5, follow these steps:

1. Identify the digit in the ones place. In this case, it is 3.
2. Determine how close the digit is to the nearest 5. The number 3 is two units away from 5.
3. If the digit is less than 3, round down to the nearest 5. In this case, since 3 is less than 3, we round down.
4. If the digit is 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, or 9, round up to the nearest 5. In this case, since 3 is less than 3, we round down.
5. Replace the digits from the tens place to the right with zeros.

Following these steps, when we round 976,315,463 to the nearest 5, we get 976,315,460.