Place grouping symbols to make this true

2x9-5+4+6x5 =63

[(2x9)-5]+[(4+6)x5] =63

To make the equation 2x9-5+4+6x5 equal to 63, we need to place grouping symbols in such a way that we control the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS).

Let's insert grouping symbols as follows:

(2x9) - (5+4) + (6x5) = 63

Now we can simplify the equation using the following steps:

Step 1: Solve the expressions inside the grouping symbols:
(2x9) = 18
(5+4) = 9
(6x5) = 30

Step 2: Substitute the simplified expressions back into the equation:
18 - 9 + 30 = 63

Step 3: Perform the remaining calculations:
18 - 9 + 30 = 39

Therefore, the equation is not true. If you want to make it true, you need different grouping symbols.

To make the equation true, we need to carefully place grouping symbols (parentheses, brackets, or braces) to change the order of operations and correctly evaluate the expression. Here's one possible way to group the numbers:

2 × (9 - 5 + 4) + (6 × 5) = 63

Let's break down the steps to solve the equation with the grouping symbols in place:

1. Start by solving the expressions within the parentheses:
9 - 5 + 4 = 8
6 × 5 = 30

2. Substitute the results back into the original equation:
2 × 8 + 30 = 63

3. Continue solving, following the order of operations (multiplication before addition):
2 × 8 = 16
16 + 30 = 46

So, with the given arrangement of grouping symbols, the equation 2 × (9 - 5 + 4) + (6 × 5) = 63 is true.