Which of the following is a comparative sentence? (3 points)

Le chat est petit.

Le chat est petit et le chien est grand.

Le chat est plus petit que le chien.

Le chat est le plus petit des animaux.

The comparative sentence in this list is "Le chat est plus petit que le chien." To determine this, we need to understand what a comparative sentence is.

A comparative sentence is a type of sentence that compares two or more things, typically using words like "plus" (meaning "more") or "moins" (meaning "less"). These words indicate that one item has a higher or lower degree of a certain quality compared to another.

With that in mind, let's go through the options:

1. "Le chat est petit." This sentence simply states that the cat is small, but it doesn't make a comparison. Therefore, it is not a comparative sentence.

2. "Le chat est petit et le chien est grand." This sentence describes both the cat and the dog, but it doesn't explicitly compare their sizes. Instead, it states that the cat is small, and the dog is big. Therefore, it is not a comparative sentence.

3. "Le chat est plus petit que le chien." This sentence uses the word "plus" to indicate that the cat is smaller than the dog. This is a clear comparison, so it is a comparative sentence.

4. "Le chat est le plus petit des animaux." This sentence uses the phrase "le plus petit" to state that the cat is the smallest of all the animals. Again, this is a comparison, so it is a comparative sentence.

By analyzing the options, we can conclude that the comparative sentence in the list is "Le chat est plus petit que le chien."