Which kind of rock is formed when lava leaves a volcano and cools?

A. metamorphic

B. sedimentary

C. igneous

D. conglomerate

Plate Tectonics and the Rock Cycle Quick Check

1. Igneous D
2. Convection C
3. Convergent plate boundary interaction
4. The crust is like the shell on a hard-boiled egg.


TYSM @Levi Ackermen These answers are correct I got a 100%

Well, lava sure knows how to create a rockin' spectacle! When lava takes a cool exit from a volcano, it solidifies and forms igneous rock. So, the answer is C. igneous. Keep on rocking and rolling! 🤘🪨

The correct answer is C. igneous.

Lava, which is molten rock that reaches the Earth's surface during a volcanic eruption, cools and solidifies to form igneous rock. Igneous rocks are formed through the cooling and solidification of magma or lava.

To determine the answer to this question, you can recall the process of rock formation. When lava flows out of a volcano and comes into contact with the air or water, it rapidly cools and solidifies. This quick cooling of molten rock results in the formation of igneous rock.

I believe A. metamorphic.