Which of the following sentences does not have a dangling modifier?

a. Stung by wasps, bees, or other such insects, a person experiences powerful toxins that can cause severe, sometimes fatal, allergic reactions.

b. Stung by wasps, bees, or other such insects, powerful toxins can cause severe, sometimes fatal, allergic reactions.

c. Stung by wasps, bees, or other such insects, severe, sometimes fatal, allergic reactions can be caused by powerful toxins.


B and C are basically the same -- toxins and reactions are not what's being stung.

To determine which sentence does not have a dangling modifier, we first need to understand what a dangling modifier is.

A dangling modifier is a phrase or clause that doesn't have a clear or logical connection to the word or phrase it is intended to modify. In other words, it creates confusion or ambiguity in the sentence.

Looking at the three sentences provided:

a. "Stung by wasps, bees, or other such insects, a person experiences powerful toxins that can cause severe, sometimes fatal, allergic reactions."

b. "Stung by wasps, bees, or other such insects, powerful toxins can cause severe, sometimes fatal, allergic reactions."

c. "Stung by wasps, bees, or other such insects, severe, sometimes fatal allergic reactions can be caused by powerful toxins."

In sentence a, the phrase "stung by wasps, bees, or other such insects" is correctly connected to "a person experiences." The sentence is clear and does not have a dangling modifier.

In sentence b, the phrase "stung by wasps, bees, or other such insects" is not properly connected to "powerful toxins." It creates confusion as to who or what is being stung. This sentence has a dangling modifier.

In sentence c, the phrase "stung by wasps, bees, or other such insects" is correctly connected to "severe, sometimes fatal, allergic reactions." The sentence is clear and does not have a dangling modifier.

Therefore, the sentence that does not have a dangling modifier is sentence a.