Is ABC similar to AXYZ? Explain why the triangles are similar or why they are not similar. You need to show evidence and all work for full credit.

How do you know if a triangle is similar or not similar?

If two pairs of corresponding angles in a pair of triangles are congruent, then the triangles are similar. We know this because if two angle pairs are the same, then the third pair must also be equal. When the three angle pairs are all equal, the three pairs of sides must also be in proportion.

Triangles ABC and XYZ are similar with 2 ZX, and ZBE ZY. ... Observe that for triangles to be similar, we just need all angles to be equal.

Or ....

if the 3 sides of one triangle are proportional to the corresponding sides
of another triangle, the triangles are similar.

e.g. one triangle has sides 4, 5, 8
another has sides, 12, 15, 24, they are similar

To determine if triangles ABC and AXYZ are similar, we can use the concept of similar triangles. Two triangles are considered similar if their corresponding angles are equal and their corresponding sides are in proportion.

To determine the similarity of triangles ABC and AXYZ, we need to compare their corresponding angles and corresponding sides.

1. Corresponding Angles:
First, we need to compare the measures of corresponding angles in both triangles. If the measures of all three pairs of corresponding angles in the triangles are equal, then the triangles are similar.

To find the measures of the corresponding angles, we need the angle measures of each triangle. If this information is given, we can compare the angle measures directly. If not, we can use other information like the length of sides or side ratios to find the angles using trigonometric functions.

2. Corresponding Sides:
Next, we need to compare the lengths of corresponding sides to check if they are in proportion. If the ratios of the lengths of corresponding sides are equal, then the triangles are similar.

To find the lengths of the corresponding sides, we need the lengths of the sides in both triangles. If this information is given, we can compare the lengths directly. If not, we can use other information, such as the measures of angles or side ratio equations, to find the lengths of sides.

Once we have compared both the corresponding angles and corresponding sides, and they are equal or in proportion, then we can conclude that triangles ABC and AXYZ are similar.

To show your work and provide evidence for full credit, you should provide all the given information about the triangle's angles and sides, calculate the measures of the corresponding angles, compare the angle measures, calculate the ratios of corresponding sides, and compare the side ratios.

Remember to present your calculations clearly and provide any additional information or assumptions if required.